Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme
Sometimes, like a Biochemistry student, I ask to me, WHY I HAVE TO LEARN MECHANICS?!?!, I think that subject is useless, don't misunderstand me, for me mechanics is a very interesting subject, but is completely useless for a biochemist... tell me, when do you need to calculate the velocity of an insignificant particle falling in the middle of nowhere? oh, and don't forget discount the air resistance. The point is, why I need to calculate a lot of things and make a lot of calculations for measure something, when today we have the sufficient technology for measure that? The worst of all is for that we lost one complete semester, or two if you fail. In my faculty there are 4 careers, biochemistry, chemistry & pharmacy, chemistry and food engineering. Biochemistry, chemistry & pharmacy and food engineering have general biology like a subject in their study programme, but not chemistry, because it is unnecesary for that career. Dirección de pregrado should make the same ...